
Daily Readings with Catholic Online


Bishop McGrattan encourages all Catholics to pray at home, either by watching the live streamed Masses, having a time of prayer, following readings of the Sunday Mass, and practising a spiritual communion. Here is the list of resources available on our website: 
Short Prayers for Children
Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For Your protection and love we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Short School Prayer

Almighty God,
We thank you for all the teachers and staff who work here,

We thank you for all the children who study here.
We pray our school is a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Morning Prayer - School

Heavenly Father, of Light and Wisdom,thank you for giving me a mind that can learn and a heart that can love. 
Father, help me to keep learning every day of my life,no matter what the subject may be. 
Let me be certain that all knowledge leads to you.
Also, let me know how to find you and love you in all the things you have created. 
Lord, encourage me when the studies are hard and when I am tempted to give up.
Guide me when my brain is slow and help me to grasp the truth held out to me. 
Give me the grace to put my understanding to good use in building the kingdom of God on earth so that I may enter the kingdom of God in heaven. 




Lent (A simple explanation of Lent and how we prepare for Easter)

Advent in 2 minutes:

Veggietales Christmas Movie
Merry, Larry and the True Light of Christmas

Father Galea - an inspirational priest who speaks the language of the young.  I use many of his videos to help us learn some concepts in Religion in a fun way.  This is his YouTube site.