Friday, September 20, 2019

Welcome from Mrs. Kiss - Sept 20, 2019

Welcome to the Grade 6/5 Combined Class.  

Bring a smile and your curiosity and we will achieve great things together!!!

These past few days we not only got to know each other a little better but we also started working on many subjects.

In Grade 5 Math, we looked at Numbers including numbers up to 1,000,000.  We also did our first quiz on multiplication facts.  This quiz was intended to show me where everyone stands and then we will build speed and accuracy over the following months.

As a morning activity, with both grades, we also worked on a complex math problem that required a little bit of "outside of the box" thinking.  We will be doing these at least twice a week.

In Grade 5 Science, we continued to track the weather in Calgary, as started with the other teachers.  We also discussed weather sayings and finally, we started a small project where we would look at a favourite place to visit and what the weather would be like there at various times of the year.  It also involves understanding what impact knowing this information could have on travel plans.  These projects will be put on Google Slides which we will start looking at presenting in the latter part of next week.

In Religion we revisited what was started by previous teachers and discussed the prayer from St. Francis of Assissi, Canticle of Creation.

In French we looked at emotions and how we can use these in sentences to express how we feel.  

In English Language Arts we started a Book Review on one of our favourite books.  We will be sharing these book reviews on this blog in the hopes of encouraging our friends and many others to read great books that we ourselves have read and liked. 

In Health we talked about the importance of sleep and we started a sleep log where we are tracking how much we sleep every night and what we do before bedtime.  Our goal is to understand the impact our activities have on our sleep and the impact our sleep (or lack thereof) has on or daily activities too.

Finally, in Art we traced our hands and created works of art from the cutouts.  These not only express our creativity but also display some of the things we like. We made sure to infuse a bit of our French knowledge of numbers and months in there as well.


Grade 5: Math sheet (2 pages) - handed out in class

Both Grades: Sleep log - track until Sept 30th. 


Monday, Sept 23

Tuesday, Sept 24 (Day 2)

Wednesday, Sept 25 (Day 3)
- Grade 5 - Gym
- Grade 6 - Music

Thursday, Sept 26 (Day 4)
- Grade 5 - Music
- Grade 6 - Gym

Friday, Sept 25 (Day 5)
- Grade 5 - Gym
- Grade 6 - Music


- Sept. 30 – Orange Shirt Day
- Oct. 2-9 - Thanksgiving Food Drive

Have a wonderful Weekend!