Friday, March 20, 2020

First day of spring is here - March 20, 2020

"Where there is love, there is joy."

- Mother Teresa - 

Spring has sprung around the world.  How will you celebrate?

Here is a link to CBC kids where you can find out how others around the world celebrate.
To help you celebrate, even with all the snow outside, and the challenges we face today, watch this video :).  Happy (Pharrell Williams)
Walk in Faith - Quote of the Day (Ecclesiastes 7:13)
"Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?"

When all seems lost, we must turn to God for support and love.  When all seems hopeless, we must turn to God within and hold fast to our faith.  When all seems bleak, we must listen for God's whispers of love and encouragement.  God is always working for us, even when it appears we are alone.
Check out the Homeschool Resources page for some ideas for accessing resources and reading books (or just listening...from space :)).  Also check on Fun Stuff page for more fun things to do.