Monday, December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Taking a moment here to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!!!

This past week we were busy but also had lots of fun.  I did not finish grading everything as I had planned, but looking forward to starting everything again on a positive foot in the New Year!  2020 we are ready for you :).

Here are some pictures of the activities we did this past week.  We even did some Algebra  :))

We finished our experimentation on separating mixtures with the Grade 5s. The last two separation techniques we used were using magnets and water.  Water proved to be a rather challenging tool with rice and even some spices :).
We also tried to see what will dissolve candy canes.  We did this with both grades.  We used water, oil, vinegar and rubbing alcohol.  After I took them home, the rubbing alcohol and the vinegar have not yet finished dissolving the candy cane and the oil preserved them.  We made predictions prior to placing them in.  We will discuss what happened in the new year.  Here are some pictures of the experiment.
On the last day, we did some Christmas crafts in the morning.  We laid out a whole variety of tools, beads, etc and looked up some ideas on the computers.  Some of the finished artwork was really cute.
With the Grade 5s, we also opened the presents that our Secret Santas had brought.  The students were very polite, respectful and happy for each other :).  I was very proud of how they handled it.  
For part of the morning we also watched a movie (Klaus) which we started in the morning after Music and Gym.  We then finished it at the end of the day.
We took a good walk break right after lunch to deliver Christmas Cards to the neighbours.  We had made these earlier with our buddy group.  The walk was a good treat as our healthy habits of eating only fruits and vegetables kind of went out the window on our last day.  :)
We finally wrapped up the day with the movie and some really delicious treats.  Thank you to all those who sent in some great tasting treats :).
And it's a wrap for this year! We had a ton of fun and we learned lots too.  We will continue to do so in the New Year as there is so much more for us to learn.

I am eternally grateful for all the support we have received from parents and everyone around us these first few months.  I am also incredibly grateful for all the kind presents I received for Christmas.  I felt quite spoiled.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in the NEW YEAR!


(Art by: Grade 6/5 Kiss)