Here is a quick update from last week and what to look forward to this week.
In Grade 5 Math, we finished Unit 3 (multiplication and division with multiple digits) and wrote our unit test today. YEAY! I will try to have the grades back by the end of the week. Tomorrow we will start on the new unit, Unit 5 (fractions and decimals). We will skip unit 4 for now, but will return to it at a later time. Please continue to practice basic multiplication facts at home as all math units will now heavily rely on these. Unit 5 homework sheets will be coming home tomorrow.
In Grade 5 Science, we have been working on the concept of mixtures and did an experiment where we separated the mixtures both by hand and using sieves. We compared and contrasted these strategies. We will now be looking at other strategies like using magnets, water and air to separate mixtures. Before the end of this week, I am hoping to also complete an experiment on dissolving solids in liquids (i.e. a candy cane.)
In French we looked at Christmas terminology (Noel). We will be working on some more fun activities around Christmas. I am not planning a test on this, but that also depends on how well we respect the classroom rules until Friday :).
In English Language Arts we continued working on grammar and looked at good beginnings in writing tasks. We will continue to work on these moving forward as we develop good narrative writing skills. We also continued reading Refugee and continued to explore the topics around the content of the book. The book is reaching a point where there are more difficult events taking place, so we are taking a bit more time to read these as we move forward. The chapter questions are all available on the Google Classroom now. We also started a Stamina program for reading. The goal is to read quietly, uninterrupted the longest possible. All who are in the class must participate and when someone looks up, the timer stops. We have made it to 3 mins and 37 seconds today. For each minute increment the students will get 100 XP points in Classcraft.
In Art, we finished our Christmas art. These will be posted outside of the classroom in the hallway.
In Social Studies, the Grade 6s have now completed Chapter 2 and wrote their Chapter test. I am hoping to have these back by the end of the week. With the grade 5s we continued to work on the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence region. We will have a debate once we finish with the Canadian Shield Region as well. We will also have a test at that time before we move onto the next regions. Lots more to come. :)
In Religion, we talked about Advent, why it is important to us and what it really means. We watched several videos as well. This 2 minute video is a fun one. Make sure to slow it down as it moves really fast. :) We also talked about how purple and pink are really the true colours of Christmas and that we will be taking that into consideration for Christmas Spirit Day on Dec. 17 (tomorrow.) Unit 1 Religion tasks were due today but due to some challenging situations, I have extended it until tomorrow morning. We will discuss what the students made and what it means. There are some truly beautiful projects.
In Religion, we talked about Advent, why it is important to us and what it really means. We watched several videos as well. This 2 minute video is a fun one. Make sure to slow it down as it moves really fast. :) We also talked about how purple and pink are really the true colours of Christmas and that we will be taking that into consideration for Christmas Spirit Day on Dec. 17 (tomorrow.) Unit 1 Religion tasks were due today but due to some challenging situations, I have extended it until tomorrow morning. We will discuss what the students made and what it means. There are some truly beautiful projects.
12 days of Christmas Art (by Hannah):
Hannah in Grade 5 has come up with a great art project where she is providing an Art prompt every day for 12 days until Christmas. These art prompts are Christmas related and the students who signed up (there were quite a few) are encouraged to complete an art task around these prompts. A prize will be offered to those who complete these prompts. This is not mandatory but certainly fun. :) Hannah is coordinating the submissions, the work and the encouragement for completing these art prompts. I am looking forward to sharing these with everyone on the blog once completed.Here are the prompts so far (I hope I captured them correctly :)). These must all be scenes like in a movie (i.e. full backdrop.)
1) Wednesday Dec. 11 - Christmas lights overload
2) Thursday Dec. 12 - Frosty the Snowman or Santa and his Reindeer
3) Friday Dec. 13 - Christmas Shopping
4) Saturday Dec. 14 - Don't leave the cat alone with the tree
5) Sunday Dec. 15 - Over-decorated tree
6) Monday Dec. 16 - Santa and his elves at the workshop on Christmas Eve
7) Tuesday Dec. 17 - ...
8) Wednesday Dec. 18 - ...
9) Thursday Dec. 19 - ...
10) Friday Dec. 20 - ...
11) Saturday Dec. 21 - ...
12) Sunday Dec. 22 - ...
More prompts could be added. Again, this is a student-driven initiative and I will support her with prizes for those completing the tasks. I welcome student-driven initiatives and ideas and am currently working at setting up another one that would involve reading. More to come soon on that :).
Math 5:
- Unit 5 lesson 1
- Unit 5 lesson 1
Math 6:
- Pg 70 - exercise worksheet
Science 5:
- December weather chart and data analysis - due in January
- Pages in Science Duotang relating to Mini Textbook pages 13-15 - separating mixtures
- Any unfinished assignments (grammar, writing (narrative or expository), Refugee questions)
- All outstanding Duolingo assignments.
Monday, Dec. 16 (Day 1)
Tuesday, Dec. 17 (Day 2)
- Christmas Spirit Day - wear your Christmas Spirit
- CCC Christmas Card making with Buddy Group
- Spelling Test
- Christmas Spirit Day - wear your Christmas Spirit
- CCC Christmas Card making with Buddy Group
- Spelling Test
Wednesday, Dec. 18 (Day 3)
- Grade 5 – Gym
- Grade 6 – Music
- Learning Commons
Thursday, Dec. 19 (Day 4)
- Grade 5 – Music
- Grade 6 – Gym
Friday, Dec. 20 (Day 5) - LAST DAY
- Grade 5 - Gym
- Grade 6 - Music
- Delivering Christmas Cards
- Christmas Fun and Movie (bring treats - traditional treats suggested)
- Delivering Christmas Cards
- Christmas Fun and Movie (bring treats - traditional treats suggested)
----Some important links for your reference.----
PAT practice pages:, (Password for this one is available in the Google Classroom)
A link to the Raven's Review: Ravens
Review December 13.pdf