Thank you to all the parents that made it in for the parent-teacher conferences. It was great seeing you all again and many for the first time.
Here is a quick update from the past few weeks and maybe a few items based on our conversations from the past few days.
To start with, as prepare for Christmas this Advent season, I started using the calendar found at this link to encourage kindness and caring throughout this season. The electronic version can be used when we are not in class:
now… the updates:
In Grade 5 Math, we
have been working on multi-digit multiplication and division (long division.) We are still working on long-division and we are building understanding as we move forward. We will then be using our multiplication and division skills to solve problems with large numbers. As we completed up to lesson 8 in this Unit, next week we will do Units 9 and 10 and review the material for our test on Friday. We will likely wrap up this year with some fun math activities that get us thinking "outside of the box" and then resume the units in the new year. Division and multiplication are core topics in math and getting them right will help us in decimals, fractions and all future and awesome math work. Please take a few minutes a day to practice the multiplication facts with the students to help them along this journey.
In Grade 5 Science (with the Grade 6s too :)),
the students needed to complete their November weather tracking sheets (gather the data, analyze and graph.) As we also started Classroom Chemistry, these past few weeks, we learned about the Scientific method and used it to experiment with Oobleck. The Grade 6s also joined the fun, and we will all be incorporating the Oobleck and the original Dr. Seuss story into a writing task for English. Here are some Oobleck making fun pictures in the meantime.
In French we covered words associated with health and Healthy Eating. We discovered the fun we can have with listening to French songs and listening for words that we may recognize. While it was challenging at the beginning, at the end of the lesson everyone was signing "Je suis une pizza" :)
In English Language Arts
we have been doing some brief grammar reviews and have worked on our understanding of Narrative and Expository genres. Next week we will be looking at writing tasks, including good beginnings. We continue to read Refugee and continue to explore the topics around the content of the book. The chapter questions are all available on the Google Classroom now.
In Art we allowed for some extra creativity to take place by doing our own Christmas artwork instead of me assigning something. The results are truly amazing and I am looking forward to sharing them on the blog. Here is another sampling (aside from the one I sent via email earlier.)
In Social Studies, the Grade 6s have now completed Chapter 2 and we are now reviewing the material. The plan is to have a test by Monday Dec. 16. With the grade 5s we moved into the Great Lakes – St.
Lawrence region. We will have a debate once we finish with the Canadian Shield Region as well. We will also have a test at that time before we move onto the next regions. Lots more to come. :)
Math 5:
- Unit 3 lessons (1-8 so far - 1-7 should be fully completed at this time)
- Unit 3 lessons (1-8 so far - 1-7 should be fully completed at this time)
Science 5:
- November weather tracking if not finished.
- Science Experiment for those who did not get to do one in the classroom.
- Any unfinished assignments (grammar, writing (narrative or expository), Refugee questions)
- All outstanding Duolingo assignments.
- Grade 5s - next week we start working on our unit tasks - Cornerstone of Faith Kit - must have an idea for this task at this time.
- Grade 6s - you need to have started your game - whichever format it will take. You need to gather the materials for it. We will make time this week to work on these, but you need to be prepared to do so.
- Complete all outstanding Chapter questions in Google Classroom - both grades
Computer Science Education Week
Monday, Dec. 9 (Day 2)
Tuesday, Dec. 10 (Day 3)
- Grade 5 – Gym
- Grade 5 – Gym
- Grade 6 –
- Learning Commons
Wednesday, Dec. 11 (Day 4)
- Grade 5 - Music
- Grade 6 - Gym
Thursday, Dec. 12 (Day 5)
- Grade 5 - Gym
- Grade 6 - Music
- Movie Night @ 5:30 - The Polar Express - Free
Friday, Dec. 13 (Day 6)
- Grade 5 - Music
- Grade 6 - Gym
- Grade 5 - Math Unit 3 Test
- 9:00 AM - Advent Liturgy (all welcome)
- Dec. 17 - SPIRIT DAY (Activities), CCC Card-making
- Dec. 18-19 - Delivery of Cards to Neighbours
- Dec. 20 - Last Day before Christmas
----Some important links for your reference.----
PAT practice pages:, (Password for this one is available in the Google Classroom)
A link to the Raven's Review: Ravens
Review December 6.pdf