Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Our Father prayer @ 12:00 (noon) today - 2020.03.25

Pope calls all Christians to pray Our Father together, March 25 at noon

© Antoine Mekary / Aleteia
Papa Francisco en San Pedro
Kathleen N. Hattrup | Mar 22, 2020

As we are all united in the pandemic, may we all be united in prayer, Pope Francis urges. On March 25, Catholics and many Christians are celebrating the Annunciation, the day Gabriel visited Our Lady and thus the feast of the Lord becoming flesh within the womb of the Virgin.

Pope Francis invited all Christians of the globe to unite on March 25 at noon to pray the Our Father together — so that as the entire world is suffering from the pandemic, so the Lord might hear all of Christendom united in prayer.
Our Father (LIVE) - Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson | For the Sake of the World